BC Builds – Sun Peaks Rental Housing Development Opportunity

BC Builds – Sun Peaks Rental Housing Development Opportunity 

Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality has partnered with BC Housing to deliver lower-cost middle income rental homes in Sun Peaks as part of the BC Builds Program. Information about the program can be found here: https://www.bcbuildshomes.ca/about

Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality has acquired a parcel of land from Sun Peaks Resort LLP to build rental housing in Sun Peaks to ensure that people who work in the community are able to live here too. The future rental housing will be operated by the Sun Peaks Housing Authority.   

BC Builds is seeking proposals from developers to build rental housing on 1180 Sun Peaks Road, in Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality.  Interested developers are encouraged to visit the BC Builds Housing Opportunity website and submit their proposals before the deadline on December 5, 2024, at: Housing Development Opportunities | BC Builds Home (bcbuildshomes.ca)