Fire Protection

Fire trucks lined in front of fire hall

Sun Peaks Fire Rescue is a composite fire department staffed by three full-time officers and 26 very hard working volunteers.
The department's volunteers are passionate about maintaining the safety and protection of the resort town's residents, staff, guests, and neighbours. To ensure that they provide the best service possible, the volunteers spend countless hours training, responding to emergency calls, and assisting with fire prevention/harm reduction initiatives. Being part of a volunteer fire department is demanding but the rewards are great.

The services offered by Sun Peaks Fire Rescue include:

  • Fire Suppression
  • BC Ambulance First Responder
  • Wildland Firefighting
  • Auto Extrication
  • Embankment Rope Rescue
  • Fire Prevention
  • Fire Inspections / Investigations
  • Public Education

The volunteers of Sun Peaks Fire and Rescue are all very eager to provide assistance when necessary, however it's their preference that people have fun and enjoy the time they spend in Sun Peaks. So while on the mountain please play safe!