Burn permits are required in the Resort Municipality of Sun Peaks. Outside Burning without a permit is prohibited.
Burn Permits are available, free of charge, by contacting Sun Peaks Fire Rescue at 250-578-8985 before 5pm. All permits are issued on the day of burning.
Please read, and understand, the following excerpt from Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality Fire & Life Safety Bylaw No. 0007 before contacting us for a burn permit:
10.3 Open Air Burning With a Permit
a) The Fire Chief may issue a Permit for open air burning of materials, other than on lands owned or held by the Crown, for the following purposes:
- i) For open air back yard burning of grass and weeds, garden waste, tree clippings, dead leaves and dead grass resulting from the cleaning of gardens and yards in small fires;
- ii) For waste created by land clearing; or
- iii) Campfires.
b) A person, eighteen years of age or older, must be in attendance at all times and in charge of a fire while the same is burning or smoldering and until such fire is completely extinguished. This person shall have sufficient appliances and equipment in order to prevent the fire from getting beyond control or causing damage, or becoming hazardous to life or property, or becoming a nuisance.
c) Permits are not issued when Fire Danger Rating is HIGH or EXTREME.
d) The open air back yard burning of yard waste may only occur during daylight hours.
e) Camp fires are only to be ignited and burned in a non-combustible fire pit that is inspected and approved by Sun Peaks Fire Rescue and that is situated a minimum of 5 m (16.5 ft.) from any structure and shall be extinguished no later than 2300 hours (11:00 pm).
f) To ensure air quality is maintained, the venting index must be appropriate.
g) The Fire Chief may limit the number of fires allowed at any one time and in any one area of Sun Peaks.
h) Fires shall not be started when wind, weather or environmental conditions are such that to do so is likely to be hazardous or create a nuisance. The Fire Chief may refuse to issue or may cancel a permit and/or order that the fire be extinguished whenever, having regard to all the prevailing circumstances, burning is hazardous or creating a nuisance.
Please click on the link below to view the Danger Class for the Cahilty weather station (note the weather station is not active during the winter months) in a new window. The BC Wildfire Service updates the page at approximately 2pm daily. If the Danger Class is HIGH or EXTREME, permits will not be issued.